Welcome to Penrith Methodist Church
We're glad you're here. We're a vibrant church with God in the centre.
We are people of all ages and all backgrounds.
As such, there's an ever-changing programme of events, groups and services.
Take a browse around, see what interests you.
PurposeIntroducing people to Jesus
Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire which spread out and touched each person there. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to talk in other languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak.
Acts 2 : 3-4
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Kids keep the heart of the church beating. They also keep our literal hearts beating, as we run after them. Find out what groups and activities we've got going on for them here. More →
What would a church be without its youth? Boring, probably. That's why we like to keep them happy, with all sorts of stuff for them to do. Whilst avoiding the cheesy youth worker stereotype... we hope. More →
Are you classed as a 'grown up'? Need something to keep your brain ticking? Want to meet some friendly people? Or just want something to do every now and then? Great, here's some things for you. More →